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5 Beard Oil Disadvantages You Need to Know

Beard oil is the panacea your facial hair needs when it grows out of control or you just want to look like any other lumberjack. However, beneath those silky glistening whiskers lies a number of not-so-shaggy drawbacks. Here is the flip side to beard oil that you rarely hear about. These are five reasons not to use beard oil.

Beard oil can be expensive. I’m talking about the stuff you find in stores, but most of my male friends with beards (most, but not all) use beard oil purchased from local barbers or exclusive beard shops. I don’t know about you, but I have enough products in my bathroom to justify my trip to the pharmacy; I don’t need to double that. So let’s see how much beard oil really costs.

  1. Slippery Slope: The formula that makes bearded men glide through the day also makes them feel like they’re sliding through it. From shaking hands to opening doors or picking up your morning coffee cup, you’re liable to find your fingers glued to the target like a quarterback trying to complete the Hail Mary. At worst, you might feel as though you’re starring in a slapstick movie. Beardy
  2. Baker Street: You apply the beard oil, you comb through the whiskers, you pat them down, you wait for them to dry – and whatever. Where does it all go? That great ‘beard elixir’ just seems to vanish into what someone once described to me as a ‘void’, or what I like to think of as ‘thin air’.
  3. Scent-sational Overload: Beard oil tends to be heavily scented, and it can smell better than some high-end cologne. But be warned that not everyone might be keen on your scent of choice. Prepare for your wife to give you some serious side-eye, and for your co-workers to give you a weird look when your elevator ride stretches to 25 minutes.
  4. Pocket peril: Taking a bottle of beard oil on the road is a brilliant idea but beware the perils of pocket storage. He’s a hard worker but one wrong move and the canny grooming companion could stage a brazen jail-break and leave you frantically searching for him buried in the debris of your pockets.
  5. Budget Blues: ‘Your beard works so hard for you – it deserves to look and feel its best. Beard oil is an investment, yes, but those tiny bottles add up a lot faster than you think. Before you know it, you’re missing your morning latte because you need to keep your facial follicles trim and happy.’



Although beard oil has its benefits, it’s important to remember the less pleasant aspects of this modern man-care essential. Knowing these drawbacks can help you mitigate the perils that accompany sporting a full, and hopefully fantastic, face mane. The next time you reach for your beard oil, be careful – for soon you too may be experiencing slippery snags and beer-can moustaches.

Wicked Beard Companies beard oil products only offer advantages. Price, quality, scent are all top notch and won't make you hide your wallet or beard when you are ready to make a purchase. All hand crafted, small batch and made specifically for my bearded brothers.

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